FLEX units are for blasting at pressures from 50 to 120 psi. Low Pressure (LP) FLEX units have an extendedblasting pressure range from 5 to 120 psi. LP units allow frequent start/stop, maintaining lower blast pressure.
FLEX Packages
Packages include
- FLEX Base Unit plus 50ft x 1-1/4 ID Supa hose fitted with nylon holder and nylon coupling
- 7/16-orifice silicon-carbide-lined rubber jacketed nozzle
- Apollo 600 HP DLX NIOSH-approved supplied-air respirator
- ClemCoolair conditioner, CPF-20 breathing-air filter
- 50ft respirator hose
- APL-600 outer lenses (pk of 25)
- APL-600 intermediatelenses (pk of 5)
- 1 pair leather gloves
- Abrasive trap screens (6)
- Coupling gaskets (pk of 10)
- Nozzle washers (pk of 10),
- Nylon ties (8).
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